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Look here for those "through the week" programs that FSA has to offer just for "grown-ups" provided by our Faith Development Committee.

Bible Study

Feeling awkward about not knowing your Jezebel from your Jehosephat? Wonder where it says “blessed are the peacemakers” in the Bible? Want to join with others to prepare for the Sunday morning worship by reading and discussing the lectionary selections? We've got the solution! Join our Bible Study. We aren’t experts in the Bible—rather seekers, trying to hear God’s voice for today in these ancient texts.  Thursday Morning 10:00 am–11:30 am with Rev. Joshua Lawrence.

The FSA Book Club

The FSA Bookclub, a very informal gathering of bibliophiles who select books to discuss based on their thought-provoking and spiritual values. We meet every month, except during the summer, usually on Tuesday evenings at 7:15. Dates and the name of the next book to be discussed can be found in the email blast (This Week at FSA) in the Bulletin Insert, and in our weekly Sunday morning slide show before service.

Special Adult Faith Development Events

From time to time special lectures, or themed series presentations are offered.  Watch for announcements in our weekly email blast, in Bulletin insert or online.

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350 Queens Ave, London, Ontario, N6A 1X6  - - 519-679-8182 -

Office Hours: Monday-Closed; Tuesday - Friday 9:30am to Noon and 1-2pm

Worship Services are held each Sunday at 10:30am

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