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Subscribe to our weekly email blast
Subscribe to Weekly Email Blast

Submission Successful!

Are you getting copies of our weekly electronic newsletter/blast, "This Week at FSA?" If not, why not subscribe now? All the latest news and information about the church will come to you automatically as an email each Sunday morning. Just fill in the form to the left and hit "submit." If your submission was successful, you will see confirmation to reassure you. Note that you must include BOTH your first and last name or we will not be able to put you on the mailing list. FSA will not provide your name or email address to any other entity. Should you later decide that you do not want to receive this weekly email, simply hit "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of "This Week at FSA." No explanations are necessary.

Arrange for a message to go up on our info platforms
message request

Do you have an announcement or a message that you want to get out? Just complete the form on the right. For your "Message," please limit yourself to a maximum of 200 characters or approximately 40 words. Your message may be edited further by the C & M team depending on the space available on a particular platform.

The communication platforms at FSA include the Website, the weekly Email Blast, the Sunday Order of Service printed Insert, the Sunday Slide Show, our Facebook page, and the outdoor lawn sign. We will try to get your message out on as many of them as possible.

If you have specific instructions for Communications & Marketing about your message, you may complete the "Special Instructions" box. It is not necessary that you do this, however.

Remember that the deadlines for the email blast and printed announcement sheet for the current week is Wednesday Noon and the the deadline for the next Sunday Slide Show is Thursday at 5pm.

If you would prefer not to use this form, you can always submit your message and instructions via plain old email. Just send it to

Marketing Message Request Form

Submission Successful!

Arrange for a Marketing Campaign for your Special Event

Are you in charge of a major event at FSA?  Do you want to get the word out in as many ways as possible (posters, signs, public media releases, etc.?  Then download the Communications and Marketing Request Form PDF or Word Format, complete it and place in the church mailbox of Jim Silcox or Pat Tripp. You can also attach your completed form to an email addressed to the Communication and Marketing Team.

We will get back to you to work out a campaign.


marketing campaign
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350 Queens Ave, London, Ontario, N6A 1X6  - - 519-679-8182 -

Office Hours: Monday-Closed; Tuesday - Friday 9:30am to Noon and 1-2pm

Worship Services are held each Sunday at 10:30am

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