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COMMITTEE REPORTS for the May Meeting of Council

Pastoral Care Report (from Rev. Karen Low)

Over the course of the past month and a half it has been my pleasure to have followed eight different individuals in particular, checking in with them by various means and continuing to monitor their needs.


My care to this date has included:

6          In-person visits in retirement or long-term care home settings

1          Hospital visit

11         Phone calls

7          E-mails

2          Check-ins with Joshua as to care that has been provided / people I have been seeing


Some of the needs and concerns that I have addressed over this past month and a half include news of a cancer diagnosis and a desire to continue to live life as “normally” as possible, injury from a fall, loneliness in a retirement setting, frustrations of lack of mobility, failing health, transitioning life stages, mental health issues, and the stress of ill health.


At the same time there have been bright lights along the way – a reconnection with old friends, planning for next stages of life, a return to better health, events to look forward to, gratitude for a web of support, the beginnings of therapy, and appreciation for a continued connection with the congregation despite no longer being able to attend.


One of the simplest, yet most profound moments in my time standing-in to provide Pastoral Care came by way of the desire to make that connection for a gentleman in long-term care. It is so important that though they are no longer in our midst, they know they are still in our hearts. I took him one of the crocheted blankets we have in the sanctuary and in Joshua’s office – something he could wrap around his shoulders or put on the foot of his bed - a tangible reminder of the warmth that we continue to surround him with. Though a man of few words, he was touched.


I will continue to follow these same folks until Annie’s return and add others as needs arise.

Worship Committee Report

The Worship sub-section of Faith Formation wants to express its gratitude for all of those who make corporate worship a place of joy.

  • Joshua Lawrence and Karen Low (Preaching and liturgy)

  • Chris Fischer et al (Music)

  • Anne Cummings faithfully (Scripture readers)

  • Carol Elson (Narthex Co-ordination)

  • Marilyn Arthur (Confirmands)

  • Chris Lindsay (Children’s focus)

Property Report 

 In the absence of a Facilities Manager Position the Property Committee continues to be more involved in the day to day operations of the building and its’ systems. 


With able assistance from committee members, volunteers and Kathryn Skelly the following issues have been addressed:

  • Replaced weather stripping on exterior doors (east and west narthex) – David Wardlaw

  • Replaced weather stripping Atrium doors (Ventri)

  • Plumbing issue in Parlour – Salmon

  • Replaced toilet second floor – savid Wardlaw

  • Wall and paint repairs stairwell up to second floor  - Steve Elson

  • Checked filters/belts for Air exchange units – Connor Campbell

  • Boiler maintenance/chemical checks – George Jolink

  • Coordinate replacement/new signage – George Jolink

  • Electrical upgrades (sanctuary lighting, exterior timers) – ASB Electric

  • Shut down boiler (consultation with Ainsworth) – George Jolink

  • Clear roof drains – Connor Campbell

  • Garden maintenance – Huston DeBrabandere, George Jolink


Items for consideration:

Exterior Painting, Green Doors, Farquhar House Porch floor

Brick repairs – Farquhar House, West Narthex Entrance

HVAC system analysis 

Snow Removal Contract

Membership and Nurture  

The M&N Committee met on Wednesday, 8 May 2024 and discussed the following items:


  • As always much of our time was devoted to discussion of pastoral care needs within the Congregation. Four people were added to the Prayer Chain since our last meeting.  Some adjustments have been made to our Lay Visitation with referrals to ministerial staff for acute problems and also a result of the loss of Mayme Marti. Susan McGregor sent notes of support to a total of eight people in recent weeks.

  • Pew cards were topped up at Easter by Donna Thompson. Donna checks the need for pew cards about once a month.

  • Coffee and Conversation is being handled by the UCW during the month of May and Alex Neaves is managing the dishwasher.  Our thanks are extended to them all.

  • Lemonade on the Lawn will begin the first Sunday of June and continue until Labour Day weekend.  Membership and Nurture will handle the serving of Lemonade on the Lawn for the entire summer.

  • At New Members’ Sunday we were pleased to welcome Karin Symonds to our Congregation. Karin was welcomed with a gift bag that included, among many other things, a hand crafted afghan donated by Pat Carter. We also celebrated her new membership with cake at Coffee and Conversation.

  • Work on the IPC Photo Directory under the dedicated leadership of Lillian Reid is approaching completion.  Kathryn Skelly has done a wonderful job of preparing the Directory Roster and our thanks are extended to her. Jim Silcox has been a great asset by preparing the collage of informal photos and sending them and our choice of Directory Cover Page off to IPC.  Thank you Jim.

  • With the retirement effective June 2024 of Heather Locking-Cusolito we are considering the need for new members to our Committee.


Concert Season 2023-2024:
This current season has two final concerts:
  1. Friday, May 24 at noon - Laudamus Bells, Richard Frank – Director
  2. Wednesday, May 29 at 7:30pm - FSA Strings, Igor Saika-Voivod – Director
Congratulations to Minister of Music, Chris Fischer, for a highly successful, well-received and well-attended performance of “Considering Matthew Shepard” on Sunday, April 21, 2024. The performance included 42 choristers with soloists and a chamber orchestra, all directed by Chris.

Sunday, May 26 – Treblemakers musical: “It’s Cool in the Furnace”


Concert Season 2024-2025:
Plans are well underway for the next year with some concerts now set and others to be confirmed. Stay tuned.


White Squirrel Golf Tournament Silent Auction – the Music Committee is making a donation of two complimentary tickets to a concert in the 2024-2025 season.


Gala Fundraising Dinner and Entertainment – Friday, September 20, 2024
The Music Committee is coordinating entertainment for this dinner. Igor is helping to gather a string quartet. The committee is working on post dinner entertainment.


Eberhard Vocal Scholars:
• Daryn Nowlin, who has been an Eberhard vocal scholar since September 2022, has now graduated with her MMus in Voice Performance from Western and is returning to the U.S. to continue her preparation for a singing career. Daryn was officially farewelled in the service on Sunday, May 19, 2024.
• Madeline (Maddie) Berman, is continuing for another year. We hope to have a new Eberhard vocal scholar join the choir in September.

Minister of Worship and Congregational Life Report

Synopsis: These past months—like many others—have consisted of losses and gains, communally and personally. We have had a couple of funerals, welcomed a new member, and have started to build relationships with visiting families and community partners with whom we share values and commitments. I should not expect anything other, since this is a rough sketch of ministry as I have known it. However, I would like to emphasize that we (myself and the leaders of FSA) continue to work, pray, and think in relation to our future together. How this looks, what steps to take, and what might have to be jettisoned for the sake of our shared future, are all questions that loom large. And despite what we sometimes are told, these are important questions that everyone should be asking. Otherwise, we will not be ready and able to meet the needs of the world in which we live—we will instead be ministering to a past world, which all but designates an artifact, not an identity I am keen on having bestowed on FSA.

Staff Concerns and Celebrations: Though our schedules have been full as of late, leading to some difficulties with regards to meeting, we did have a joint staff meeting in April. At this time, we expressed a desire to insure we plan as carefully as possible, considering the increasing times that space is shared with our partners. We also shared with one another how nice it is to occasionally meet in person (as a team), because it reminds us that we are always supported and that collaboration is ever present and desirable as a method to fulfilling our call as individuals and as a community of faith.

  1. Office Manager: I communicate the most with Kathryn, since she is largely the person that others approach with regards to my whereabouts (whether I am on campus or not at a given time). When possible, I attempt to provide Kathryn with my schedule for the day and even occasionally the week. That way, we can both coordinate the activities and check-ins required for the weekly and monthly events/programs. I value the time and care that Kathryn puts into her every task. One issue to continue to monitor is the developing IT situation. We want to make sure everyone is on the same page and has an effective mechanism for communicating tech concerns.

  2. Minister of Music: I continue to enjoy collaborating with Chris on worship matters as well as possible musical events on the horizon. We check in weekly (usually multiple times). I suppose, like Kathryn and myself, Chris’s schedule is occasionally unpredictable but they always show up fully attuned to our vision, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work together in ministry.

  3. Youth and Young Adults Minister: Marilyn Arthur continues to serve not only our community splendidly but the entire London community of youth and young adults. I am excited for our confirmands, whose activities have been formative and insightful as to the function of the Church in today’s world. Marilyn’s enthusiasm and compassion shine through all she does, and the only real setback as of late has been the denial of Summer Grants Funding for Young Adult interns. Marilyn and all of us were so disappointed, since it means not only losing out on the invaluable skills of our young people throughout the Summer, but we have had to cancel at least one camp to be held at FSA, since we do not have the volunteers to run another. They were such a success last year, and they will be sorely missed this Summer.

  4. Children’s Ministry: Christina is always bringing to my attention new families and children, and together we are finding ways to reach out and fully support them, making them feel as at home as possible at FSA. Also, Christina and Chris F. have done a solid job spearheading the Monday night kids program, Treblemakers, along with ReBells following it. Sometimes it has been difficult to wrangle volunteers for the food prep, but all in all, the support has been tremendous, and I am thrilled for the kids to perform on Sunday, May 26th, in front of our FSA community. We are excited to have a planning session on Monday, June 3rd, where we hope to lay out program ideas, scheduling plans, etc., for the upcoming 2024-2025 year—at least until Advent. J

  5. Pastoral Care Minister: What can I say? Annie is tremendous! Her care and compassion are unmatched. We are so thankful for her partner and our Voluntary Associate Minister, Karen Low, who always steps in to help as well. I cannot think of someone easier to talk to and work with, and I remain ever grateful for her presence among us. I am very grateful for her successful recovery from surgery, evidenced by her presence among you this night—since I am not able to be present for the May Council meeting.

Internal Interventions: We are wrapping up our Book Study, which centered on our friend and colleague, Jeff Crittenden’s text, Leisure Resurrected. It focuses on practices that constitute the heart of the early Church, and this week (May 23rd), Jeff will be with the group to offer some concluding thoughts before we dismiss for the Summer. I will meet with the Strategic Planning team, along with others, to continue to creatively discern our way forward as a community of faith, seeking to embody the best of Christian practice and lean into new things that we can do to meet the needs of our world.

Because of an unexpected and unfortunate event in our family’s life, I was not able to attend the last meeting of Discipleship and Justice, but I do plan to be present in-person for the June 13th meeting. I am enjoying my service on this committee, and I continue to learn so much about the extensive work of the United Church of Canada to ameliorate suffering near and far. Finally, I will be attending the Spring Meeting of the Antler River Watershed Regional Council Meeting this coming weekend, at which time—in addition to the business meetings—we will have a celebration of ministries, and our own Marilyn Arthur will be formally celebrated as a Diaconal Minister. Very excited to be present for this.

I am currently working to deepen relationships with a few community partners: London Kids Community Gospel Choir, Type Dia-Beat It, and New Moon Community Homestead. These represent ways in which groups are celebrating the Arts and Service, two of our pillars at FSA. Excited for what lies ahead in these developing relationships. Below are the links for the organizations.




Jo Ann Silcox, co-chair
David McKane

Jean Wright

Michael Feeney

Allyson Watson, co-chair

Katie Glaves

Susan McKane

David Pederson

Kathryn Skelly

Anne Cunningham

Jan Hendry

Carol Riddell-Elson

Christina Lindsay. staff

Marilyn Arthur, staff

Rev. Lawrence, staff


Heather Locking-Cusolito

Glenna Hall

Mary Mattar

Annabelle Logan

Gerry Meacham

Jo Ann Silcox

Donna Thompson

Lillian Reid

Rev. Annie Jannaway, staff

 but reports regularly to it)

Jim Silcox

Kathryn Skelly

Merran Neville

David Wardlaw

Lorna Gunning Fratschko



Kerry Hill, chair

Linda Badke
Ardath Finnbogason-Hill

Margo Christodoulou

Barrie Evans

Kathryn Patton

Barbara Ridgewell


Barb Dalrymple
Pat Pettit,
Linda Badke
Marilyn Beach
Janice Elliott
Liz Galbraith

Natasha Roberts

Jan Hendry
Laurel Kenney

Donna Thompson


Merran Neville, chair

Jane Archer Smith

Glenda Baldwin

Igor Saika-Voivod

Terry Peters

Paul Cooper

Ardath Finnbogason-Hill

Ann MacPhail

Janis Wallace

Margaret Wardlaw

Chris Fischer, staff


Steve Elson, chair

Connor Campbell

Shannon Hawke

Barrie Evans

George Jolink

Kathryn Patton

Nancy Johnson

Laura Wood

Rev. Lawrence, staff

+Trustee Liaison members, John Eberhard, David Manness


George Jolink, chair

Heather Vouvalidis

Ron Bradley

Bill Guthrie

Peter Ross

Connor Campbell

TBD, staff


Laura Wood, chair, treasurer

Tristin Hill

Ivana Klouda

Doug McGregor

Colleen Garrett, (contract bookkeeper)


(not a Council committee but reports regularly to it)

Paul Cooper, co-chair

Jackie Williams, co-chair

John Eberhard

Janice Elliott

Don Jones

Bob Kennedy

David Manness

Al Salmoni

Jim Silcox

Jean Wright

David Wake

Katherine Wonfor

Rev. Lawrence, staff

+ advisors: Kaitlin Norman, Doug Jones, Del McLennan, Bob Schram, Michael Cooney

UCW(not a Council committee but reports regularly to it)

President: Laurel Kenney

Secretary: Helen Guthrie

Treasurer: Donna Fraleigh

Tidings Rep: Nancy Quinn

Correspondence Secretary: Millie Bates

Archivist: Millie Bates

Membership Convenor: Nancy Quinn

Bazaar Convenor: Glenda Robinson

Rummage Sale Convenor: Jan Hendry

Member at Large: Linda Badke

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350 Queens Ave, London, Ontario, N6A 1X6  - - 519-679-8182 -

Office Hours: Monday-Closed; Tuesday - Friday 9:30am to Noon and 1-2pm

Worship Services are held each Sunday at 10:30am

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