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Healing Programs

Healing has always been a part of the ministry here at First-St. Andrew's. In worship, in home and hospital visits, prayer for healing is a regular occurrence.  Healing can take many forms as you can see from the examples below.

Prayer Chain: You may also call the church office with the name and a general description of the need and the prayer chain will be activated. First names only are requested unless consent has been given to use the full name of the person you are wish to be prayed for.


Comfort Quilters: This group makes quilts for children "in need of a hug." These are then dedicated in church and distributed through "Project Linus." We are able to make a difference in the lives of others. See proof. We have varying quilting skills. Some of us are beginners, and some have been quilting for a while. We are very happy to have new members join us on the first non-holiday Monday of the month from about 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. Bring a lunch and sewing equipment. Contact the church office for more information.

Congregational Visiting Team: Our congregational visiting team is comprised of those in the church who want to offer ongoing support to our shut-ins. We have a visiting team of 10 who maintain contact with these members on a regular basis, and especially at birthdays and holiday times. If you are interested in becoming involved in this very rewarding experience contact the church office.

Community Outreach

ELUCO: (East London United Church Outreach) has been assisting low-income families for over 25 years, offering counseling, emergency services and support for families in need. FSA is a partner church of ELUCO. As such, our responsibilities are to:

  • provide two members for the ELUCO Board

  • fund-raise for ELUCO projects: the September Walkathon, Annual Cinnamon Bun Sale and other special musical events.

  • provide financial support. (In the past FSA has donated approximately $4,000 per year to this cause. The UCW has suppled additional funds over this amount.)

For more information, contact Ann MacPhail (519-661-8867) or Janice Elliott (519-859-7183) or the church office.

St. Paul's Social Services Food Bank: This program provides food to over 300 families a week and feeds approximately 200 people every day at the Fellowship Centre. Watch our weekly eblast and the weekly Church Bulletin insert to find out how you can contribute. For more information contact Barb Dalrymple (519-433-4460).

Grow-a-Row: In cooperation with the St. Marys Church and the Canadian Food Grains Bank, FSA manages to raise around $10,000 a year during its summer campaign. This culminates in our annual Corn Roast in September. The funds are matched by the feds on a 4 to 1 ratio so that we, in effect, provide close to $50,000 a year to feed the world's hungry. For more information contact Cynthia Simpson (226-378-6969) or Linda Badke (519-432-5420)

Heaing Programs
Community Outreach
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350 Queens Ave, London, Ontario, N6A 1X6  - - 519-679-8182 -

Office Hours: Monday-Closed; Tuesday - Friday 9:30am to Noon and 1-2pm

Worship Services are held each Sunday at 10:30am

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